Qualities of a Learner

“The mind is everything. What you think you become.” Buddha

Salman Aslam
2 min readApr 9, 2021

The first step to success is within a person. When he makes up his mind to bring a change, that is a significant progress and so he works hard because of it. Success is a state of mind. All the successful people in the world would not have been one if they would not have told themselves that they are not the best and that they can achieve it, juts push a little harder. So it is very necessary to first change the mindset and then work accordingly.

For that, a growth mindset is very necessary which believes that everything has a solution and wants to become the best by learning. So what are the necessary steps towards a growth mindset, let’s discuss.

Firstly, giving yourself a pep talk is really important. Be your mentor, advisor and guardian. Dictate yourself that you can achi9ieve whatever you desire and that nothing can come in your way if you persist. Avoid negative and harsh comments for yourself. Always motivate yourself, tell yourself that failures are what makes a person stronger and more experienced people are the ones that prevail.

Secondly, get out of your comfort zone. Push yourselves and test your limits. Try things you are uneasy doing. Sometimes things we are afraid of the most are the ones that make us the most happy and much more confident in life.

Thirdly, to become a better version of yourself, it is important that you adopt and practice new skills and create new habits, the good ones. Trying doing things successful people do and you are not. Read, listen, speak, and practice and so on. Only you can change yourself and no one else.

Sometime things do not go in our favor or we get into trouble we cannot find solution to. It is scary that people will know about your failures but sometimes being open to someone might really be a great help to you. Find someone who is sincere to you and your work.

Last but not the least, adopt new skills, even if you bare uncomfortable. If you do not feel like going for something. Fake it, till you make it. Act as if you know that skill and see what difference it creates. You will suddenly feel good about it and that ability will be instilled inside you as if it is your quality.

In my opinion, all are very important and should be practiced simultaneously but faking something that you are not boosts your skills and mindset. You will see a change in yourself and that temporary change will motivate you to adopt that ability till it finally is yours. Acting makes you look stupid at first, but when you become an amateur from a beginner, you will definitely see the benefits.

One can easily adopt these traits by practicing daily. Preparing a schedule which will help you manage things and give you chance to learn new skills and abilities. One step at a time, overburdening is never a solution.

