Salman Aslam
3 min readMar 26, 2021

In the midst of busy lives, hectic routines and never ending frustration, we have lost our purpose.

“The purpose to live, the purpose to fly. The purpose to float on clouds above and to share these moments with ones you love.”

We have lost our purpose, which is to stay happy and satisfied with who we are, what we do and what we have achieved. In search of happiness, many have travelled miles away from their homes, to find peace in things unknown. Well the key to this giant door was always with them, the key of Kindness.

When I begin to wonder how to be happy, I learned that happiness start within. Spread love, spread kindness and the ones that surround you will reflect. So I began my day, with a thirst to spread kindness. One goal in mind, to make others happy.

Not soon after, I saw this spider spinning its web. I saw the hard work it may have put in to spin such a beautiful web. I was inspired, I placed blocks around it so no one can damage the little guys work. I was happy to be able to help something that small.

Spider that probably did not bit the Spider-Man

Later that day, I found my friend struggling with a task I gave him in the project work. He was facing difficulty doing it, so I sat with him and helped him complete the model of a house. I felt satisfied with being able to help someone in need.

Its totally safe to live in it

When I came back home, I saw my younger sister doing her assignment. She was tired of painting different shades, so I decided to help her. I managed to help her out a bit and had a laugh together, giving her strength enough to complete her assignment.

Two paintings out of many others …
His name is Abdullah (“Shah” — since he is a big fan of Ertugrul)

This picture you see of a child with swollen eye, is my cousin. He was hurt while playing and he sent me this picture. So I decided to visit him and cheer him up. We had a great time where I entertained him and his siblings. The little one with sunglasses, he is a naughty kid and I love such kids.

This is Afeef, my love.

When I finally reached home and lied down to sleep, I recalled all these events and realized how happy these things made me. I was satisfied with what I had done to help others and make them believe they are not alone. This is the key to joy and happiness. Be kind to others and see them smile. That smile is more valuable than anything on this planet.

“Be someone’s sunshine, when their sky is grey.” You will know, when you witness it yourself. Go on and help others, be their foundation.